- EQM – Só importa o amor | NDE – Only love matters
- NDEs and the Afterlife
- Near Death Experience Research Foundation
- International Association for Near-Death Studies
- Journal of Near-Death Studies
- University of Virginia Health System – Division of Personality Studies
- Dr. George Ritchie NDE – Death Testimony (video)
- Vida Depois da Vida (Documentário)
- Depois da Vida – 1º Programa (1/7)
- Near-Death Experience NDE Story of Mellen-Thomas Benedict
- George Noory interviews Mellon-Thomas Benedict
- Proof Of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey Into The Afterlife with Dr. Eben Alexander
- Dr. Mary Neal's NDE & Joyful Lessons
- Atheist Neurologist Transformed by Near Death Experience (NDE)- (Unintentional ASMR)
- Paralisada e sem respirar, ela ouviu a voz de deus - EQM da Márcia
Padre Pio
- padrepio.it
- Padre Pio Group
- Associação Regina Fidei
- Associação Regina Fidei - Youtube
- São Pio de Pietrelcina
- Filme - Padre Pio, o Santo de Pietrelcina (Legendado)
- REVELAÇÕES Sobre o Padre Pio (Pe. Jean Derobert) - Legendado
Aparições marianas
- A impressionante história de Nossa Senhora de Lourdes
- Aparição da Virgem Maria em Lourdes França - Bernadete Soubirous
- As aparições de Nossa Senhora de Fátima
- O Terceiro Segredo de Fátima
- O Padre que leu o Terceiro Segredo de Fátima
- As aparições de Garabandal - Documentário
- Aparições em Garabandal (em português)
- Garabandal, cascata inesgotável
- Garabandal, só Deus sabe - Filme completo
- Documentário : Medjugorje como tudo começou
- Aparições em Medjugorje
- Os Avisos de Maria - Pe Vitor Sousa
- María Vallejo-Nágera (Testimonio Caceres 2012)
Ramana Maharishi
- Books of Ramana Maharshi
- Official Site
- David Godman
- Sri Ramana Maharshi - JNANI
- Who am I? The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi
Nisargadatta Maharaj
- I am only the Self - Nisargadatta Maharaj
- Nisargadatta Maharaj and Ramana Maharshi, part one.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj- Despertar para o eterno legendado em Português
Advaita Vedanta
- Discovering the True SOURCE of Happiness - Intro to Advaita Vedanta - Part 1
- Advaita: Non-Dual Spirituality - from Ancient India to our Global Age
- Introduction to Vedanta Part 1 - Swami Sarvapriyananda Jan 12 2016
- A Filosofia do Advaita Vedanta e a transformação pessoal
- Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo
- Books of Mirra Alfassa
- Citadel of Silence: A Documentary on Sri Aurobindo (Part 1)
- Uksim site
- Entrevista a Daniel Gagliardo (Completa)
- http://gurkin.tv en Argentina con Daniel Gagliardo
- ¿Cómo mantener un alto nivel de energía y cómo protegernos?
- Uksim Portugal
- Uksim Portugal no Facebook
- Youtube Uksim
- Youtube Uksim Europa
- Obras disponíveis na Amazon
- Livro em português: Alimentação Evolutiva
- Livro em português: A Luz do Peregrino: A Entrega, Provas, Lei da Purificação e Lei do Serviço
- Livro em português: A Senda do Peregrino. Erks e a Revelação de Ansenuza
Maria Ferreira da Silva
Edward Salim Michaël
- Site about Edward Salim Michael's books and spiritual teaching
- Edward Salim Michaël, A Via da Vigilância Interior
- Aprensentação do Livro “A Via da Vigilância Interior”
- Edward Salim Michael - Teaching - March 1990 - excerpt 1
- Video - Meditation is essential
Paul Brunton
Mosteiro Budista Sumedhārāma
- Site do Mosteiro Budista Sumedhārāma
- Mosteiro Budista Theravada da Floresta em Portugal
- 2561.09.08 Good Life, Good Death by Ajahn Jayasaro
- The Gnostic Society Library
- Nag Hammadi library (Wikipedia)
- List of Gospels (Wikipedia)
- Introduction to New Testament (RLST 152): 8. The Gospel of Thomas (Yale Courses)
- Grondin’s Interlinear Coptic-English translation of The Gospel of Thomas
- BBC – The Lost Gospels [1/9]
- Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)
- Ibn’Arabī (1165-1240)
- Francisco de Assis (1181-1226)
- Rumi (1207-1273)
- Mestre Eckhart (1260-1328)
- Joana d’Arc (1412-1431)
- Teresa d’Ávila (1515-1582)
- João da Cruz (1542-1591)
- Jacob Boehme (1575-1624)
- Angelus Silesius (1624-1667)
- William Blake (1757-1827)
- Aurobindo (1872-1950)
- Mirra Alfassa (A Mãe) (1878-1973)
- Paul Brunton (1898-1981)
- Gopi Krishna (1903–1984)
- Yogananda
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
- Padre Pio
- Josemaría Escrivá
- Chico Xavier
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Samael Aun Weor
- Trigueirinho
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- Lama Gangchen
- Eckhart Tolle
- Lista de santos cristãos
Perennial philosophy
- René Guénon (Abdel Wahid Yahia)
- Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy
- Frithjof Schuon
- Titus Burckhardt’s life and work
Texts and works
- Spiritwritings
- Biblioteca Upasika
- Five Ranks of Tozan
- Meister Eckhart, Sermões Alemães
- Obras de Teresa de Ávila
- “Subida del monte Carmelo” de João da Cruz
- Outras obras da mística cristã (c/traduções em português)
- Swedenborg, Obras
- Escritos de Ralph Waldo Emerson
- The Arcane Schools, John Yarker
- Editora Irdin
- Ficheiros do Trigueirinho
- Perguntas e Respostas, Trigueirinho (áudio)
- Fundação Maitreya
- Josemaría Escrivá, Obras
- Paul Brunton’s Notebooks
- Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
- Alfredo Sfeir-Younis, Etica para el Desarrollo
- The Zambuling Institute for Human Transformation
- Younis, “Ten Step Program For World Peace” (Podcast)
- André Louro de Almeida
- Lux Citania
- Pedro Elias, Uma Reflexão para os Tempos de Hoje (Livro)
- Carta de Fernando Pessoa à tia Anica
- Carta de Fernando Pessoa a Casais Monteiro
- A questão religiosa em Fernando Pessoa
- La obra de Samael Aun Weor
- Pistis Sophia, Samael Aun Weor
- Pistis Sophia, Samael Aun Weor (Português)
- Talks of Krishnamurti
- Search Krishnamurti’s Teachings
Samael Aun Weor
- Descarga LIBROS del V.M. Samel Aun Weor
- gnosis2002.com
- Glossário Gnóstico
- Igreja Gnóstica do Brasil
- Audios Samael Aun Weor
- Instituto Gnóstico de Antropologia, I.G.A., Portugal
Matt Kahn
Marcelo Marins
- “Aproximação à Obra Literária de Santa Teresa de Jesus”
- Experiência mística e psicose (audio)
- Budismo e psicanálise (audio)
- “World Religions” (Artigo)
- “Deepak Chopra v. Michael Shermer: The Afterlife”
- Unir Portugal à Luz da sua Alma, Maria Flávia de Monsaraz
- “Théorie du Dédoublement”
- “‘Ponto Deus’ no cérebro”, Leonardo Boff
Visionary art
- Hilma af Klint
- Emma Kunz
- Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich
- Kahlil Gibran
- Alex Grey
- Alex Grey (Vídeo)
- Alex Grey – The healing power of sacred art
- Claudio Gianfardoni
- Janosh
- Margarida Cepêda
- Ahmed Moustafa
- Michael Parkes
Audios and videos
- Oprah and Eckhart Tolle’s classes
- Oprah’s Soulseries, Eckhart Tolle
- Eckart Tole 1-12 conferencia
- Oprah’s Soulseries, Wayne Dyer
- The BigMind Network Genpo Roshi
- The Spirituality of Tomorrow, Ken Wilber
- Religious, But Not Spiritual?,Thomas Keating
- Participating with Divine Love,Thomas Keating
- The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom, The Science Of Eternity 1 of 8
- Parte 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
- What meditation really is – Sogyal Rinpoche
- Prática de meditação com Lama Michel Rinpoche – Parte 1
- Entrevista de Robert Happe I
- Entrevista de Robert Happe II
- Ken Wilber: “The Mystic Heart”- Part 1- The Supreme Identity
- Parte 2, Parte 3, Parte 4, Parte 5, Parte 6, Parte 7
- Jane Roberts (“The Interview”): Parte I, Parte II, Parte III
- Ram Dass “Soulness”
- Ram Dass “God’s Perception”
- Ram Dass on Suffering
- The Reptilian Agenda – David Icke
- Playlist: Mensagens + importantes do Pai Joaquim
- El Ojo de Horus
- Entrevista com Neale Walsch sobre o amor
- Neale Walsch sobre o catolicismo
- Mensagem de Ashtar Sheran
- Mensagem de Ashtar Sheran por Trigueirinho
- Playlist: Palestras do Aldomon Ferreira
- Derrida sobre ateísmo e crença (audio em inglês)
- Jacques Derrida On Prayer – Part 1/3
- Jacques Derrida On ‘Atheism’ and ‘Belief’
- “Mudar a realidade, trabalhando o pensamento”, e-dharma
- Matthieu Ricard: Habits of happiness
- Jill Bolte Taylor: My stroke of insight
- Jill Bolte Taylor (Oprah)
- Bob Thurman: Becoming Buddha — on the Web
- Entrevista a Trigueirinho
- Entrevista a Ajahn Sumedho
- Entrevista a Samanera Appamado
- Benjamin Creme’s, a British artist, lecture in Tokyo, Japan on May 10, 2003 (Real player needed)
- An interview with Huston Smith
- Huston Smith Scholar of Religion
- TIBET: Requiem for a Faith – 1979, 1-3
- paldendorje.com
- Buddha Boy in Nepal, Blog
- Nepal Buddha Boy with interviews
- Buddha Boy Secret techniques
- El Nuevo Buda (Parte 1 de 5)
- A Experiência do Amor Divino na Mística Islâmica
- Entrevista com Waldo Vieira
- The New Man
- Sufism Documentary
- Explicação Animada sobre os Chakras, Parte 1
- History Channel – O livro Egípcio dos mortos 1/9
- Física Quântica e Espiritualidade, Laércio B. Fonseca
- Profecias Maia 2012 – Canal Infinito (introdução)
- Benjamin Fulford interview with David Rockefeller
- Depoimento de Robert Happé
- Somos todos um / We’re all only one – 2/4
- Somos todos um / We’re all only one – 3/4
- Somos todos um / We’re all only one – 4/4
- Pilots for 9/11
- Noam Chomsky on 911 conspiracy part 1
- History Chanel – O livro Egípcio dos mortos
- History Chanel – O Livro Tibetano dos Mortos
- Melchezedik and the Keys of Enoch talks with J.J. Hurtak
- Barack Obama fala sobre Religião e Secularismo
- A History of God
- Quantum Speed Reading Kids in Japan
- Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy part 1of 2
- Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy part 2of 2
- About 2012
- Desteni
- Rev. Matthew Fox
- Project Camelot Interviews David Icke
- Krishnamurti San Diego 1970 Talk 1 (English Subtitles)
- Krishnamurti Addresses the United Nations (April 11, 1985)
- Krishnamurti Videos
- Brockwood Park School, 1979. 1st Questions and Answers Meeting- Question 2
- Drunvalo Melchizedek (videos)
- Drunvalo Melchizedek – The Higher Self
- Religion, Philosophy – “Life of Buddha” – A religion without a God
- Dalai Lama: 2008 Seattle Visit
- Charla sobre el Ego – Samael Aun Weor
- The THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY: The Divine Plan (part one)
- Religion, Philosophy – “Life of Buddha” – A religion without a God
- Ken Wilber on Seeking Enlightenment
- Gregg Braden – The Science of Miracles (1/7)
- Beyond Zero Point Journey to Compassion (Gregg Braden 2000)
- André Louro de Almeida (Torres Vedras)
- André Louro de Almeida no Canal Sapo por Heloísa Miranda
- André Louro de Almeida: Deus existe?
- Alexandra Solnado fala-nos sobre Espiritualidade
- Esoteric Agenda 1 – LEGENDADO
- The Last Interview with Gopi Krishna
- The Purpose Of Life : I AM University Wesak 08 – Part 1
- The Sacred Body. Kundalini, Subtle bodies, Chi, Yoga, and the brain
- Bill Ryan from Project Camelot interviewed by Freedom Central
- Project Camelot interviews Klaus Dona, spiritual archaeologist
- Tanz der Derwische – Sufis in der Türkei
- Alex Collier at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009
- Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot interviews A’shayana Deane
- Graham Hancock: Maestro (Project Camelot)
- Graham Hancock Presenting at the 2012 Conference
- George Kavassilas – Moving into 5D
- George Kavassilas Sydney Equinox DvD 1 Part A Introduction 01 of 29.mp4
- Laura Eisenhower – mind control, secret space, Corey Goode + – Ron James’ Bigger Questions
Ufos, extraterrestrial life, crop circles
- The Disclosure Project May 9th 2001 National Press Club Conference
- The Disclosure Project
- Jaime Maussan – UFO Conference 2005 Part-1
- Jaime Maussan UFOs 4/10
- Blogs about: Ufosovnisextraterrestres
- Filhos das Estrelas parte 1/7
- UFO First contact – Begins 14th October 2008 Portuguese version
- Blossom Goodchild clarifies October 14th
- Alien Blue Star
- Kumburgaz
- OVNI na Inglaterra, 1998
- OVNIs na Turquia 2008, Parte 1
- OVNIs na Turquia 2008, Parte 2
- Crop Circles
- The two most important crop circles ever
- 3d face in crop circle
- Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
- UFOs in Motion
- Bob Dean em entrevista ao Project Camelot, parte 1
- Bob Dean em entrevista ao Project Camelot, parte 2
- Project Camelot interviews Marcia Schafer with Bob Dean
- Project Camelot interviews Boriska
- Project Camelot interviews Clifford Stone
- Project Camelot interviews George Green
- Project Camelot: Jumproom to Mars
- Project Camelot Interviews Richard Hoagland
- Project Camelot Interviews Benjamin Fulford
- Project Camelot interviews Jim Sparks
- Miriam Blue Star: Project Camelot interviews Miriam Delicado
- Enterprise Mission
- Bill Deagle : Prognosis for Planet Earth – Part 1
- Mass UFO Disclosure CNN – Part 1
- The Disclosure Project
- CIA agent R. Cotner’s deathbed confession
- The Living Moon
- John Lear Tells All
- Dan Sherman as an “Intuitive Communicator”
- Project Camelot interviews Bill Holden
- Project Camelot interviews Valery Uvarov: Part 1 of 2
- Project Camelot interviews Jessica: Crystal Child
- Nazi UFOs confirmed by the History Channel
- Secrets of the 3rd reich
- NAZI UFO Secrets of WWII
- Project Camelot interviews Brian O’Leary
- Ships of Light – The Carlos Diaz UFO Experience (Part 1)
- Ships of Light – The Carlos Diaz UFO Experience (Part 2)
- Crop Circle Filmed Appearing Over 7 Minutes
- Probably the most important 12 minutes of the exopolitic summit 2009 in barcelona
- Project Camelot interviews Dr Steven Greer
- Project Camelot – The Barcelona Exopolitics Summit, 23-26 July 2009
- Project Camelot – The Zurich Conference, 10-12 July 2009
- Many saints believed in extraterrestrial life: Vatican Monsignor
- Starchild Project
- Introduction to the Starchild Skull by Lloyd Pye
- John E. Mack Institute
- John Mack on Coast to Coast: Alien Abduction Phenomenon pt 1
- John E Mack – Experiencers 1/5
- The Secret: Evidence We Are Not Alone (Full)
- Charles Hall – The Tall Whites – ET Experiences in the Nevada Desert
- 2 Living ETs Working with US Government – Citizen Hearing on Disclosure – Paul Hellyer – CHD
- Thecrystalchildren.com
- Children of the New Earth
- Casa Índigo
- O fenómeno índigo à luz das Ciências Sociais e Humanas
- VirtualLight #2 Jennifer Interviews Lee Carroll the Kryon Channel Jan (Indigo)
- Divaldo Franco – As Crianças Índigo
- criancasindigo.blogspot.com
- Indigo
- Indigo links
New Age children
- Eu Maior (Higher Self) – YouTube
- Kai (español) ascension
- Flavio Cabobianco (Vengo del Sol): Entrevista de Silvina Chediek en 1991
- Matias De Stefano – Ater Tumti – A Herança Universal (leg. port.)
- She Remembers Life Before Birth! | Akerke Muratova Pre-birth Memories Part 1
- What the bleep do we know?
- The Secret
- Conversations with God
- The Celestine Prophecy 1 of 10
- Humanity Ascending
- One
- One: The Movie – Somos todos UM (Legendado)
- Leap Beyond Illusion
- Zeitgeist
- Zeitgeist II, Addendum
- Freedom to Fascism – Director’s Authorized Version
- September 11th Revisited: Were explosives used?
- O Mundo sem Ninguém (Life After People)
- Um vídeo sobre HAARP Armas Climáticas
- Poder Além da Vida (Peaceful Warrior) parte 01
- Kymatica. Español Version completa
- Tuning in Part 1
- ENDGAME- ALEX JONES – Blueprint for Global Enslavement
- Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut
- What dreams may come (O Amor Continua Depois da Vida)
- 2012 The Online Movie Final Cut
- Gurdjieff – Meetings With Remarkable Men
- What is Quantum Activism? with Dr Amit Goswami
Sites with movies, documentaries e interviews
- Spiritual Cinema Circle
- Arts and Faith
- The Manifest-Station
- TV Espiritualista
- TV Mundo Maior
- Downloadsgospel
- Cine documentario
- Cine trash especial
- Zeitgeistmovie
- Disclose.tv
- Secret.tv
- The Thinking Allowed
- Nosso Lar (filme)
- Chico Xavier, o filme
- Integral Institute
- Vaticano
- Secretariado nacional da pastoral da cultura
- Centro Transdisciplinar de Estudos da Consciência (CTEC)
- Grupo de Estudos Maitreya
- Casa da Pirâmide
- The Global Oneness Community
- Canadian Theosophical Association
- Zen Eye
- Progressive Buddhism
- What Is Enlightenment? Magazine online
- Pathwork
- Alex Collier
- Azurite Press
- Mantras
- Mandalas
- David Icke
- Bill Harris Blog
- Wayne Dyer
- The ZenFrog
- Ventos de Lys
- 888 – Portal de Orión
- Share International
- Seeds of Compassion
- Projeto 2012 – Youtube Favorites
- Endgamenow.com
- Endgamenow’s Videos
- GlobalEurope Anticipation Bulletin
- Laércio B. Fonseca
- Federação Espírita Portuguesa
- Divaldo Franco
- Project Camelot
- Project Avalon
- Beyond Zebra
- The Truth Seeker
- Dan Burisch site
- No More Hoaxes, George Green
- Divine Cosmos
- Cedros Ressoantes da Rússia
- Clay and Iron
- Light-Seeds Foundation – Michael St. Clair
- The Venus Project
- Brian O’Leary
- Krishnamurti Foundation of America
- J. Krishnamurti online
- Jiddu-Krishnamurti.net
- Drunvalo Melchizedek
- Provafinal2012
- The Giza Geomatrix
- Crystalinks
- The Official Website of Alton Kamadon’s Melchizedek Method
- Mevlana Celaddiin-i Rumi (Site oficial)
- Ascension and Beyond, website of George Kavassilas
- ¿Qué sucede después de la muerte? José González Fernández
- 127 – Se libertando da roda de samsara! (voltando para casa, chega de reencarnações!)
- Ian Stevenson
- Jim Tucker describing the Reincarnation Research (vídeos)
- Reincarnation, past life evidence, Part 1, Part 2 (vídeos)
- Reincarnation, past life evidence, BBC (vídeos)
- Reincarnation, children remember past life, Part 1, Part 2 (vídeos)
- Reincarnation, the amazing story of a scottish child, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 (vídeos)
- CLE812 – Various Panelists – Life After Death Life After Life Panel
- Dolores Cannon – Life After Death
- Brian Weiss – Messages from the Masters – 1/12
- Brian Weiss
- John E. Mack Institute
- Bruce Goldberg
- Life in the 35th Centuary (1/4)
- Reincarnation-Regression (banned video) 1/11
Sacred books, channeling, etc
- Livro dos Mortos
- The complete Book of the Dead – Papyrus of Ani
- Egyptology Resources
- Upanishades
- Bhagavad-Gita (português)
- Hinduwebsite
- Confucian Canon
- Taoismo
- Tao Te King, tradução de Mário Bruno Sproviero
- Tao-te-king.org
- Dao De Jing, chinês, inglês, francês e alemão
- I-Ching
- Budismo
- Resources for the Study of Buddhism
- Access to Insight, Readings in Theravada Buddhism
- The Dhammapada (Inglês)
- The Dhammapada (tradução do pali para inglês de Acharya Buddharakkhita)
- Dhammapada in Verse
- Dhammapada, Maithri.com
- Dhammapada (com explicação gramatical)
- Jain Texts
- Avesta
- African Religion
- Bíblia (Velho Testamento) Hebraico/Português
- Textos judaicos
- Zohar
- Árvore da Vida
- Bíblia online
- BibleGateway
- Bíblia Online – Concordância Bíblica Exaustiva e Leitura Bíblica
- Tradução do Novo Mundo das Escrituras Sagradas
- Online Greek Bible
- Recursos da Bíblia
- Bíblias para download
- Codex Sinaiticus
- Gnosticism
- Evangelho de Judas
- Alcorão – Comunidade Islâmica da Web
- Alcorão Sagrado em Língua portuguesa (Brasil)
- Textos islâmicos
- Kitab-i-Aqdas
- The Kitáb-i-Aqdas (The Bahá’ís site)
- The Bahá’í Faith
- Shinto Scripture
- Nostradamus
- Maçonaria (Portal Maçónico)
- Rosa Cruz
- Conceito RosaCruz do Cosmos, Max Heindel
- Livro de Mórmon
- Teosofia
- Blavatsky Study Center
- Annie Besant/Djwal Kul
- Lucis Trust (Arcane School)
- Theosophy, 800+ On line English titles
- Rudolf Steiner – Obras completas
- Livro de Urantia
- As chaves de Enoch
- Um curso em milagres
- The Ra Material
- The Works of Seth and Jane Roberts
- Seth, Jane Roberts
- El Material Seth
- Falun Dafa
- Kryon
- Elias sessions
- Neale Walsch, Conversas com Deus
- Jeshua, Pamela Kribbe
- The Internet Sacred Text Archive
- Sacred Books of the East
- List of channelled texts
- Luz de Gaia
- Biblioteca Upasika
- Novas energias
- The Centre for Religion & Cognition (CRC)
- Archive for Religion & Cognition (ARC)
- The Bulletin for Religion & Cognition (BRC)
- Society for Psychical Research
- Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology
- Explaining Religion Project
- Centre for Anthropology and Mind
- The Ian Ramsey Centre
- American Society for Psychical Research
- Science et religion
- Mind & Life Institute
- Scinergynet
- Science and Religion
- Experimental Studies of Supernatural and Religious Concepts
- “Fé em Deus está nos genes, diz cientista americano”
- “Religion and Science”, Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Method & Theory in the Study of Religion
- Religious Responses to Darwinism, Conference
- The Journal of The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences
- Science & Spirit
- Search Magazine
- Zygon
- Universidade Lusófona, Ciências das Religiões
- Revista Lusófona de Ciência das Religiões
- Wouter J. Hanegraaff
- European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism
- ESSWE – Archive of member publications
- Dutch Association for the Study of Religions
- The Warburg Institute
- Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica
- Links to organisations
- Links to libraries & archives
- Links to other resources
- The Camelot Project, University of Rochester
- Research on reincarnation and related phenomena
- In Depth with Reza Aslan
- Debate – Kenneth Humphreys vs Gary Habermas – Was the resurrection an invention?
- Debate – Richard Carrier vs Mike Licona – Did Jesus rise from the dead?
- Debate – Matt Dillahunty vs Cliffe Knechtle – Does God Exist – 2013
- Debate – Richard Carrier, Mark Smith vs Doug Hamp, Dave Lehman – Historicity of Jesus – 2014
- The Classical Debates - Jay Smith vs. Dr. Shabir Ally
- Islam In Europe | Full Head-to-Head Debate | Oxford Union
- Shabir Ally vs. Mike Licona (2004)
- Reza Aslan vs. Sam Harris Debate Part 01
- Sam Harris - Faith vs Reason in the Modern World
- Skeptic.com
- The Skeptic’s Dictionary
- UK-Skeptics
- The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry
- James Randi Educational Foundation
- “Eu creio numa universalidade de combate” Slavoj Zizek
- Zen Holy War?
- Edward Said On ‘Orientalism’
- The “God Is Dead” Movement
- The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible
- The Skeptic’s Annotated Quran
- EvilBible.com
- Religion is Evil
- Re: Project Camelot interviews David Wilcock
- Philosophy, Atheism, Religion, – Dan Dennett -“Religion as a natural Phenomenon”
- Atheism, Religion – Dan Dennett – “The Domestication of the Wild Memes of Religion”
- Richard Dawkins, An atheist’s call to arms
- Richard Dawkins – The God Delusion
- Richard Dawkins Lecture at UC Berkeley
- Atheism, Religion – Jonathan Miller – “A Brief History of Disbelief” 1/3
- Sai Baba Exposed – Part 1 of 4
- BBC video, The Secret Swami Sai Baba
- Seduced By Sai Baba
- Derren Brown Interview (1/6) – Richard Dawkins
- Derren Brown Mind Reading
- Derren Brown shows how mediums work
Cult signs
- Is Technology Controlling Your Mind Steven Hassan TEDxBeaconStreetSalon
- Full Episode: Cults, Explained | Netflix
- Porque é que as pessoas aderem a seitas? — Janja Lalich
- What Cults Tell Us About Ourselves | Amber Scorah Scorah | TEDxPaloAltoSalon
- How to tell if you’re brainwashed?” | Steve Hassan | TEDxBoston